Adam Wolowczyk has been following CHS’s Medical Sciences Sixth Form Pathway. He recently has been offered a place to red medicine at Homerton College.
Adam has always excelled in school academically and had a big involvement with non-academic aspects of school life, like being a part of the School Council and being heavily involved with MUN.
Extending his medical knowledge outside of school Adam, attended the clinical research convention at Manchester Clinical Research Facility last year as part of the Young people’s group.
He worked to produce the poster below which was entered into the MCRF competition. Working alongside public engagement groups and professionals they have developed clinical research leaflets for patients and the public also which are now being published across the 3 CRF facilities in Manchester.

He accredits taking part in EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) as one of the extra things that made his Oxbridge application stand out. Adam, who achieved full marks, told us why he chose to do and EQP: “I wanted to do an EPQ because I saw it as the first of the steps into an academic career of writing articles. I knew that it would be an excellent opportunity to learn the core skills in scientific writing such as referencing and critically analysing articles. I wanted to face the challenge of writing about relatively complex topics in easy and understandable language.
“I chose the topic of ‘pandemics’ because I have always had an interest in infectious disease. It is fascinating that such small microbes can cause so much damage to such relatively massive hosts. I really wanted to learn about the key organisms of threat to us as well as past pandemics and how we have changed since them.”