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Dr Stephen (Steff) Nash MA, MB, BChir, FCEM, Class of 1970

Steff is a Consultant in Emergency Medicine and was the recipient of the 2018 Distinguished Old Waconian Award.

Steff served on the Executive Committee of the College of Emergency Medicine of which he was a Founder Member. He chaired the Clinical Effectiveness Committee for 10 years and was involved in developing the quality standards for the speciality.

In the last 20 years, whilst always maintaining his clinical commitments in the NHS, he has travelled extensively in North Africa, along the 'Silk Route' and in Asia delivering medical training in refugee and relief situations. This led him to found the charity ‘ Hope 4 the World' in order to train young people to staff medical clinics in the remote mountainous regions of East Burma (Myanmar). Additionally the charity seeks to meet the similarly urgent needs for training teachers and building primary schools in areas where basic provision for the ethnic minorities is lacking. Steff's keen motivation is for leadership development and empowering the disadvantaged to transform their society in adverse circumstances.

Always interested in sport, Steff played lacrosse for the School, County, Cambridge University and for England. His current hobbies are scuba diving, marathon running and travelling. He is married to Ruth (Class of 1972), has three children and 6 grandchildren.

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