“I joined the senior school in 1958 at the age of ten, and it is daunting to realise that my connection with the School extends to 40% of its entire time on the current site! At first I was highly competitive and eager to excel academically but increasingly I tended to neglect my studies, preferring to throw myself wholeheartedly into the wonderful social milieu which CHS offered then (and, I trust, still does). I formed many enduring friendships and am eternally grateful for ‘the best years of my life’ – well, some of them, at least.
I re-established close contact with the School at the 150th Anniversary celebrations in 2005, and shortly after that I joined the 1855 Society by writing a bequest to CHS into my will. This is a way of showing my gratitude which best suits my circumstances and will ultimately offer the greatest benefit; it gives me much pleasure to know that I shall be supporting my alma mater, although I am in no hurry to conclude the process.”