Terry is an Independent Education Consultant and was the recipient of the 2017 Distinguished Old Waconian Award.
During his 52-year career in education, Terry has been instrumental in researching, evaluating and advising on education in some of the world’s poorest – and most dangerous – countries. As Senior Education Advisor for the Department for International Development (DFID), based in Harare, Terry was responsible for education programmes in Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and later became Director of the International Research Foundation for Open Learning, an independent research agency that studied world-wide changes to open and distance learning, with a focus on low-income countries.
Terry has since acted as an education consultant on projects across the world, including in areas of conflict such as Somalia, Sierra Leone and Iraq, as well as championing girls’ education and HIV/AIDS awareness in Ghana.
“I don’t go deliberately looking for extreme places to work, but often countries that are experiencing, or have experienced, conflict need support to restore, improve or develop their education systems. I can’t imagine doing anything else.”
A keen cricketer and Lacrosse player Terry believes his own happy school days played a part in his initial decision to train as a teacher, and values his continued connection with the School. He currently sits on the Alumni Board as the representative for Old Waconians who left in the 1950s.